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C-CAMP licenses out sepsis treatment technology to Dutch spinoff SurvivX.

C-CAMP licenses out sepsis treatment technology to Dutch spinoff SurvivX.

On October 19, 2023, a monumental leap in the battle against sepsis, a prominent contributor to global intensive care unit (ICU) mortality, was realized as Dutch biotechnology company SurvivX secured the official licensing rights to a groundbreaking immunomodulatory adjuvant therapy known as SUR-101. This innovative treatment, the fruit of a collaborative endeavor between the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) and the Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) Bhubaneswar, was formally announced by Dr. Taslimarif Saiyed, the CEO of C-CAMP and co-PI of the project, during a prestigious event attended by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in Bengaluru, coinciding with the G20 summit. World Sepsis Day, marked on September 13, witnessed SurvivX’s selection as a cohort company of INCATE Incubator for Antibacterial Therapies in Europe, a recognition accompanied by financial support from Oost NL and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RvO). With sepsis claiming one in five lives within ICUs worldwide, affecting around 50 million individuals annually and contributing to 11 million sepsis-related deaths, the emergence of SUR-101 represents a significant shift in sepsis management. It addresses immune suppression in sepsis patients and could usher in an era of personalized and precise sepsis medicine, distinct from the conventional approach of drug discovery. SUR-101, presently at the preclinical stage, is the fruit of the collaborative labor of scientists led by Dr. B.Ravindran at ILS, further developed in partnership with Dr. Saiyed’s translational research group at C-CAMP, with substantial support from the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) and the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. The Dutch Ambassador to India, Marisa Gerards, emphasized the strategic importance of life sciences and health in the bilateral cooperation between the Netherlands and India, reflecting their successful history in the field, while Dr. Saiyed noted the global significance of this technology transfer. Dr. B.Ravindran celebrated the rapid transition from basic biological research to practical solutions. SurvivX CEO Remko van Leeuwen unveiled the foundation of their technology, rooted in a specific protein secreted by the filaria roundworm, a tropical parasite found to offer protective effects against sepsis in infected individuals. The protein has been characterized and shows promise as a potential medicine, with initial studies in mice demonstrating significantly improved survival rates in sepsis, aligning with the protective effect seen in filaria patients. SurvivX now faces the task of demonstrating the safety and efficacy of this protein in human trials. In essence, this milestone marks a significant advancement in sepsis treatment, offering renewed hope for individuals grappling with this life-threatening condition.